1.Ouyang, Yun & Kun Zhou. When consumers prefer visual blessing frame design on gift packaging: the role of interpersonal distance. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, online
2.Liu, Ji, Zheng Xu, Ying Yang, Kun Zhou, & Munish Kumar. (2024). Dynamic Prediction Model of Financial Asset Volatility Based on Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks, Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 36(1), 1-23
3.Zhou, Kun, Jun Ye, & Xiaoxiao Liu. (2022). Is cash perceived as more valuable than digital money? The mediation effect of psychological ownership and psychological distance, Marketing Letters, 34(1),1-14.
4.Zhou, Kun, Xiaoyin Ye, & Jun Ye. (2021). Longing for the past and embracing the new: Does nostalgia increase new product adoption? Marketing Letters, 32: 477-498.
5.Ye, Jun, Kun Zhou, & Rui Chen. (2021). Numerical or verbal information: The effect of comparative information in social comparison on prosocial behavior, Journal of Business Research, 124: 198-211.
6.Wu, Jiajun, Jun Ye, Kun Zhou, & Liwei Chen. (2023). To respond or not to respond? The reviewer-and review content-related influencers on managerial response decision towards customer reviews. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 114, 103558.
7.Peng, Yan, Bao Cheng, Jian Tian, Zhenduo Zhang, Xing Zhou, & Kun Zhou. How, when, and why high job performance is not always good: A three‐way interaction model. Journal of Organizational Behavior (online).
8.程豹, 田健, 郭功星, & 周昆.“您放权,我主动!”顾客授权行为对员工服务主动性的影响和作用机制研究.管理学报.
9.Huang, Yunzhi, Kun Zhou, Ying Yang, Man Xu. “Spoiled Adult”: How the parental relationship influences the next generation’s status consumption. Family Relations, online.
10.Guo, Gongxing, Bao Cheng, Jian Tian, & Kun Zhou. Unleashing employee potential: The effects of customer-empowering behaviors on job crafting in hospitality industries. International Journal of Hospitality Management, online