学科师资 Subject Teacher
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  • 日期:2024-09-24
  • 编辑:李芬
  • 浏览次数:




性别 :男

籍贯 :江苏邳州

研究领域 :消费者心理与行为,人工智能以及算法决策与消费者心理与行为的关系、食物感知等

邮箱地址 :zhoukunxm@njau.edu.cn


2021年博士毕业于厦门大学管理学院,获得市场营销学博士学位。同年进入大连理工大学经济管理学院担任助理教授。从事市场营销消费者心理与行为方向的研究,目前主要关注在人工智能与算法决策对消费者产生的心理与行为的影响。目前主持国家自然科学基金青年项目一项,中央基本高校经费一项,作为核心成员参与自然科学基金项目三项。学术论文发表十余篇,其研究成果发表在Journal of Consumer Behaviour、Journal of Organizational and End User Computing、Marketing Letters、Journal of Business Research、International Journal of Hospitality Management、Journal of Social Psychology、Journal of Consumer Behavior、管理学报、南开管理评论等国内外期刊上。担任Marketing Letters、Journal of Business Research、Journal of Hospitality and Hospitality Management、Journal of Organizational Behavior 、Psychology & Marketing 、AMA Academic Conference等期刊或会议审稿人。多次参加国内国际学术会议(如ACR、AMA、JMS、CMAU等),多次获得学术会议优秀论文。多篇工作论文在UTD 24期刊Journal of Consumer Research(UTD 24)和Journal of Consumer Psychology (FT 50)中在审或者在修。












国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年项目,72302031,消费者对算法决策的厌恶:行为表征、应对方式及干预措施,2024-01-01至 2026 – 12-31, 30万, 在研,主持。


1.Ouyang, Yun & Kun Zhou. When consumers prefer visual blessing frame design on gift packaging: the role of interpersonal distance. Journal of Consumer Behaviour, online

2.Liu, Ji, Zheng Xu, Ying Yang, Kun Zhou, & Munish Kumar. (2024). Dynamic Prediction Model of Financial Asset Volatility Based on Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks, Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 36(1), 1-23

3.Zhou, Kun, Jun Ye, & Xiaoxiao Liu. (2022). Is cash perceived as more valuable than digital money? The mediation effect of psychological ownership and psychological distance, Marketing Letters, 34(1),1-14.

4.Zhou, Kun, Xiaoyin Ye, & Jun Ye.  (2021). Longing for the past and embracing the new: Does nostalgia increase new product adoption? Marketing Letters, 32: 477-498.

5.Ye, Jun, Kun Zhou, & Rui Chen. (2021). Numerical or verbal information: The effect of comparative information in social comparison on prosocial behavior, Journal of Business Research, 124: 198-211.

6.Wu, Jiajun, Jun Ye, Kun Zhou, & Liwei Chen. (2023). To respond or not to respond? The reviewer-and review content-related influencers on managerial response decision towards customer reviews. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 114, 103558.

7.Peng, Yan, Bao Cheng, Jian Tian, Zhenduo Zhang, Xing Zhou, & Kun Zhou. How, when, and why high job performance is not always good: A three‐way interaction model. Journal of Organizational Behavior (online).

8.程豹, 田健, 郭功星, & 周昆.“您放权,我主动!”顾客授权行为对员工服务主动性的影响和作用机制研究.管理学报.

9.Huang, Yunzhi, Kun Zhou, Ying Yang, Man Xu. “Spoiled Adult”: How the parental relationship influences the next generation’s status consumption. Family Relations, online.

10.Guo, Gongxing, Bao Cheng, Jian Tian, & Kun Zhou. Unleashing employee potential: The effects of customer-empowering behaviors on job crafting in hospitality industries. International Journal of Hospitality Management, online