1. Lin-Schilstra, L., Bai, Y., Lin, L.*, Mo, W. HR practices, service orientation and employee outcomes: A regulatory foci. Management Decision. Accepted.
2. Bai, Y., Lu, L., Lin-Schilstra, L.* (2022) Auxiliaries to Abusive Supervisors: The Spillover Effects of Peer Mistreatment on Employee Performance. Journal of Business Ethics. 178, 219-237.
3. Lin-Schilstra, L.*, Ingenbleek, P.T.M. (2022). A complex ball game: Piglet castration as a dynamic and complex social issue in the EU. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 35(3), 1-19.
4. Lin-Schilstra, L.*, Fischer, A.R. (2022). Paradoxical consumers in four European countries: Meat-eating justification and willingness to pay for meat from animals treated by alternatives to surgical castration. Meat Science. 188, 108777.
5. Lin-Schilstra, L.*, Backus, G., Snoek, H., Moerlein, D. (2022). Consumers’ view on pork: Consumption motives and production preferences in ten European Union and four non-European Union countries. Accepted at Meat Science. 108736
6. Lin-Schilstra L. *, Ingenbleek P.T.M. (2022). A Scenario Analysis for Implementing Immunocastration as a Single Solution for Piglet Castration. Animals. 2022; 12(13):1625.
7. Aluwé, M.*, Heyrman, E., Kostyra, E., Żakowska-Biemans, S., Almeida, J., Citek, J., Font-i-Furnols, M., Moreira, O., Zadinová, K., Tudoreanu, L., Lin-Schilstra, L., Van den Broeke, A. (2022). Consumer evaluation of meat quality from barrows, immunocastrates and boars in six countries. Animal. Vol 16 (3).
8. Lin-Schilstra, L.*, & Ingenbleek, P.T.M. (2021). Examining Alternatives to Painful Piglet Castration within the Contexts of Markets and Stakeholders: A Comparison of Four EU Countries. Animals, 11(2), 486.
9. Cai, W., Lin-Schilstra, L., Yang, C., & Fan, X.* (2021). Does participation generate creativity? A dual-mechanism of creative self-efficacy and supervisor-subordinate guanxi. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 30(4), 541-554.
10. Lin-Schilstra, L.*, & Fischer, A. R. (2020). Consumer moral dilemma in the choice of animal-friendly meat products. Sustainability, 12(12), 4844.
11. Lin, L., Bai, Y.*, Mo, C.*, Liu, D., & Li, X. (2021). Does pay raise decrease temporary agency workers’ voluntary turnover over time in China? Understanding the moderating role of demographics. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(7), 1537-1565.
12. Lin, L.*, Li, P.P., & Roelfsema, H. (2018). “Traditional Chinese Philosophies Abroad: Expatriates in the Netherlands”. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, Vol 25 (2), pp. 299-336.
13. Bai, Y., Lin, L.* & Liu, J.T. (2017). “Leveraging the Employee Voice: A Multi-level Social Learning Perspective of Ethical Leadership”. International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol 28, 2017, pp. 1-33.
14. Bai, Y., Lin, L.*, & Li, P. P. (2016). “How to Enable Employee Creativity in a Team Context: A Cross-level Mediating Process of Transformational Leadership”, Journal of Business Research, Vol 69 (9), 2016, pp. 3240-3250.