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  • 日期:2018-04-06
  • 编辑:周琨
  • 浏览次数:




性别 : 女

籍贯 : 福建

学历 :博士研究生

研究领域 : 利益相关者行为、组织行为学、领导力、员工心理、消费者行为

目前教学课程:市场调查、跨文化管理、Mathematical Statistics for Economists

邮箱地址 : li.lin@njau.edu.cn


获厦门大学管理学硕士,毕业于荷兰乌特勒支大学,获管理学博士学位。博士期间的研究课题为跨文化领导力,探讨中国管理者在荷兰遇到的领导难题。而后关注农业组织,加入荷兰瓦赫宁根大学,期间承担研究项目“Sustainability in pork production with immunocastration”(欧盟“地平线2020”科研规划,基金编号: 696231)子课题,研究猪肉产业链上的利益相关者行为和消费者行为。目前主要的研究领域:食品产业链利益相关者管理、消费者行为、人力资源管理研究。 


1. 国家自然基金青年项目,72202101,不负“粮”心的待客之道:服务员亲环境消费建言的心理困境和行为研究,2023~2025,主持。

2. 中央高校基本业务费,KYGL2022032,科技创新驱动农业农村现代化评价体系的国际比较,2022,主持。

3. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金育才项目“基于赋权理论视角的员工多重职业身份对本职工作投入的影响机制研究”,2021~2023,主持。

4. “Sustainability in pork production with immunocastration”(欧盟“地平线2020”科研规划,基金编号: 696231)子课题,2017~2020,参与。


1. Lin-Schilstra, L., Bai, Y., Lin, L.*, Mo, W. HR practices, service orientation and employee outcomes: A regulatory foci. Management Decision. Accepted.

2. Bai, Y., Lu, L., Lin-Schilstra, L.* (2022) Auxiliaries to Abusive Supervisors: The Spillover Effects of Peer Mistreatment on Employee Performance. Journal of Business Ethics. 178, 219-237. 

3. Lin-Schilstra, L.*, Ingenbleek, P.T.M. (2022). A complex ball game: Piglet castration as a dynamic and complex social issue in the EU. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 35(3), 1-19.

4. Lin-Schilstra, L.*, Fischer, A.R. (2022). Paradoxical consumers in four European countries: Meat-eating justification and willingness to pay for meat from animals treated by alternatives to surgical castration. Meat Science. 188, 108777.

5. Lin-Schilstra, L.*, Backus, G., Snoek, H., Moerlein, D. (2022). Consumers’ view on pork: Consumption motives and production preferences in ten European Union and four non-European Union countries. Accepted at Meat Science. 108736

6. Lin-Schilstra L. *, Ingenbleek P.T.M. (2022). A Scenario Analysis for Implementing Immunocastration as a Single Solution for Piglet Castration. Animals. 2022; 12(13):1625.

7. Aluwé, M.*, Heyrman, E., Kostyra, E., Żakowska-Biemans, S., Almeida, J., Citek, J., Font-i-Furnols, M., Moreira, O., Zadinová, K., Tudoreanu, L., Lin-Schilstra, L., Van den Broeke, A. (2022). Consumer evaluation of meat quality from barrows, immunocastrates and boars in six countries. Animal. Vol 16 (3).

8. Lin-Schilstra, L.*, & Ingenbleek, P.T.M. (2021). Examining Alternatives to Painful Piglet Castration within the Contexts of Markets and Stakeholders: A Comparison of Four EU Countries. Animals, 11(2), 486.

9. Cai, W., Lin-Schilstra, L., Yang, C., & Fan, X.* (2021). Does participation generate creativity? A dual-mechanism of creative self-efficacy and supervisor-subordinate guanxi. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 30(4), 541-554.

10. Lin-Schilstra, L.*, & Fischer, A. R. (2020). Consumer moral dilemma in the choice of animal-friendly meat products. Sustainability, 12(12), 4844.

11. Lin, L., Bai, Y.*, Mo, C.*, Liu, D., & Li, X. (2021). Does pay raise decrease temporary agency workers’ voluntary turnover over time in China? Understanding the moderating role of demographics. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(7), 1537-1565.

12. Lin, L.*, Li, P.P., & Roelfsema, H. (2018). “Traditional Chinese Philosophies Abroad: Expatriates in the Netherlands”. Cross Cultural & Strategic Management, Vol 25 (2), pp. 299-336. 

13. Bai, Y., Lin, L.* & Liu, J.T. (2017). “Leveraging the Employee Voice: A Multi-level Social Learning Perspective of Ethical Leadership”. International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol 28, 2017, pp. 1-33. 

14. Bai, Y., Lin, L.*, & Li, P. P. (2016). “How to Enable Employee Creativity in a Team Context: A Cross-level Mediating Process of Transformational Leadership”, Journal of Business Research, Vol 69 (9), 2016, pp. 3240-3250. 
