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  • 日期:2021-09-01
  • 编辑:周德
  • 浏览次数:



籍贯 :四川眉山

出生日期 :1985年

研究领域 :食品安全与消费、营养与健康、农产品价格以及农业政策。

邮箱地址 :zhoude@njau.edu.cn


周德,生于1985年,四川眉山人,南京农业大学经济管理学院农业经济学系副教授。2014年毕业于德国哥廷根大学,获农业经济学博士学位,2015年入职南京农业大学,2016年获评江苏省“双创博士”。研究领域主要集中在食物消费与安全、营养与健康、农产品价格以及农业政策。主持参与多项国家基金项目,主要研究成果论文在《China Economic Review》、《Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy》、《China Agricultural Economic Review》、《Public Health Nutrition》、《农业经济问题》等杂志发表,近年来发表中英文文献30余篇。目前担任国家梨产业技术体系产业经济岗位研究团队成员,教育部学位中心通讯评审专家,江苏省统计学会理事以及China Economic Review,China Agricultural Economic Review,Children and Youth Services Review,Nutrients, Children, Journal of Integrative Agriculture等十余本期刊匿名审稿人。

Zhou Dewas born on 26th February 1985, in Meishan city, Sichuan province in China. He received his bachelor’s in economics in Huazhong Agricultural University in 2008, and master’s in industrial economics in Nanjing Agricultural University in 2011. Between 2011 and 2014, he did PhD program in agricultural economics in the University of Goettingen, Germany. After PhD, he was involved in the Courant Research Centre“Poverty, Equity and Growth”in Georg-August-University Goettingen as a Postdoctoral Fellow from2014 to 2015. He has been working at the College of Economics and Management in Nanjing Agricultural University(NAU)since 2015 as an associate professor in agricultural economics. His research mainly focuses on Food Demand and Food Safety, Nutrition Health, Food Price and Agricultural Policy. He is the Co-Principal Investigator of several projects granted by National Foundation of Sciences of China (NSFC). He has published more than 20 academic articles in both domestic and international high-ranked journals such as China Economic Review,Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, China Agricultural Economic Review etc.




Zhou, J., P. Mennig, D. Zhou,J. Sauer. 2024. Shadow Prices of Agrochemicals in the Chinese Farming Sector: A Convex Expectile Regression Approach.Journal of Environmental Management 366:121518.doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.121518.(SCIE)

Leepromrath, S., J. Zhou,D. Zhou. 2024. The Impacts of Crop Diversity Adoption on Rubber Farmers’ Welfare: Evidence from Thailand.Agroforestry Systems:1-21.doi:10.1007/s10457-024-01009-3.(SCIE)

Yasin, S. I., S. Leepromrath, G. E. Mwalupaso,D. Zhou. 2024. Impacts of Covid-19 on Food Consumption Pattern and Food Security in Rajshahi, Bangladesh.Applied Ecology and Environmental Research(accepted and forthcoming).(SCIE)

Leepromrath, S.,D. Zhou. 2024. Welfare of the Rubber Crop Diversity Farmers under Risks of Price in Thailand. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences (accepted and forthcoming)

Zhou, J., S. Leepromrath,D. Zhou. 2023. Dietary Diversity Indices Versus Dietary Guideline-Based Indices and Their Associations with Non-Communicable Diseases, Overweight and Energy Intake: Evidence from China.Public Health Nutrition26 (5):911-933.doi:10.1017/S1368980022000556.(SCI)

Sirimaporn Leepromrath, Jing Zhu, Jiajun Zhou, Tianxiang Li,D. Zhou. 2021. Rubber Crop Diversity and Its Influential Factors in Thailand.Journal of Rubber Research24 (3):461-473.doi:10.1007/s42464-021-00114-7.(SCIE)

Zhou, J., S. Leepromrath, X. Tian,D. Zhou. 2020a. Dynamics of Chinese Diet Divergence from Chinese Food Pagoda and Its Association with Adiposity and Influential Factors: 2004–2011.International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health17 (2):507.doi:10.3390/ijerph17020507.(SCI, SSCI)

Zhou, D., X. Yu, D. Abler,D. Chen. 2020b. Projecting Meat and Cereals Demand for China Based on a Meta-Analysis of Income Elasticities.China Economic Review59:101135.doi:10.1016/j.chieco.2017.12.002.(SCI, SSCI)

Diallo, M. F., J. Zhou, H. Elham,D. Zhou. 2020. Effect of Agricultural Credit Access on Rice Productivity: Evidence from the Irrigated Area of Anambe Basin, Senegal.Journal of Agricultural Science12 (3):78-87.doi:10.5539/jas.v12n3p78

Elham, H., J. Zhou, M. F. Diallo, S. Ahmad,D. Zhou. 2020. Economic Analysis of Smallholder Maize Producers: Empirical Evidence from Helmand, Afghanistan.Journal of Agricultural Science12 (3):153-164.doi:10.5539/jas.v12n3p153

Zhou, Y., W. Ding,D. Zhou. 2018. Structure Changes in Food System and China’s Concerns with Food Safety Policy.World Food Policy4 (2):197-221.doi:10.18278/wfp.4.2.11

Chen, D., D. Abler, D. Zhou, X. Yu,W. Thompson. 2016. A Meta-Analysis of Food Demand Elasticities for China.Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy38 (1):50-72.doi:10.1093/aepp/ppv006.(SCI, SSCI)

Zhou, D.,X. Yu. 2015. Calorie Elasticities with Income Dynamics: Evidence from the Literature.Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy37 (4):575-601.doi:10.1093/aepp/ppu043.(SCI, SSCI)

Zhou, D.,D. Koemle. 2015. Price Transmission in Hog and Feed Markets of China.Journal of Integrative Agriculture14 (6):1122-1129.doi:10.1016/S2095-3119(14)60995-3.(SCI)

Zhou, D., X. Yu,T. Herzfeld. 2015. Dynamic Food Demand in Urban China.China Agricultural Economic Review7 (1):27-44.doi:10.1108/CAER-02-2014-0016.(SCI, SSCI)

周德, 赵鑫,周应恒. 2024. 大食物观下基于营养平衡的食物自给率测算与食物安全保障策略.农业经济问题(录用待刊)

高幸,周德. 2022. 中国葡萄种植产业布局的时空变迁及影响因素解析——基于1998—2018年省级面板数据.中国农业资源与区划43 (04):201-209

高幸, 王素青,周德. 2021. 基于价值链模型的上海葡萄产业发展研究和经验启示.北方园艺(10):141-146

何文杰, S. Leepromrath, 周家俊,周德. 2021a. 中泰大米竞争力比较及其差异解构分析.世界农业(08):77-86.doi:10.13856/j.cn11-1097/s.2021.08.008

何文杰, 周家俊,周德. 2021b. 我国梨生产技术效率的随机前沿分析.北方果树(03):10-13.doi:10.16376/j.cnki.bfgs.2021.03.003

王长琴,周德. 2020. 我国生猪调控政策对猪肉价格波动的影响分析.江苏农业科学48 (18):322-327.doi:10.15889/j.issn.1002-1302.2020.18.060

申乙婷, 王长琴,周德. 2019. 乡村振兴背景下江苏农业农村发展支持政策转型与国际经验比较研究.江苏农业科学47 (19):34-39.doi:10.15889/j.issn.1002-1302.2019.19.008

王长琴,周德. 2019. 补贴政策与生猪平稳供给的灰色关联分析.黑龙江畜牧兽医(16):20-23

周家俊,周德. 2019. 农业机械投入对化肥减量化的作用效果研究.农村经济与科技30 (13):15-17+69

崔鑫妍, 刘禹彤,周德. 2019. 消费者禽类食品安全需求影响因素的实证分析——基于南京市禽类消费者的调查.湖北农业科学58 (05):134-138

王长琴, 周家俊,周德. 2019. 基于var模型的猪肉储备政策效果分析.江苏农业科学47 (18):334-338.doi:10.1589/j.issn.1002-1302.2019.18.070

刘禹彤, 崔鑫妍,周德. 2018. 消费者对禽类食品安全风险感知及其影响因素.黑龙江农业科学(11):116-121

班洪赟, 周德,田旭. 2017. 中国奶业发展情况分析:与世界主要奶业国家的比较.世界农业(03):11-17

周应恒, 彭云,周德. 2017. 中国农业发展困境与农业支持政策改革转型——基于欧盟共同农业支持政策改革的启示.江苏农业科学(11):289-293

周应恒, 俞文博,周德. 2016. 德国农地管理与农业经营体系研究.改革与战略(5):150-154

周应恒,周德. 2016. 中国食品産業の成長と農業との連携. Inフードシステム学叢書, edited by 斎藤修. 日本: 農林統計出版.

周德. 2016. 农产品需求与食物消费. In农产品运销学(第二版), edited by 周应恒. 北京: 中国农业出版社, 20-34.

韩宜宁,周德. 2016. 基于偏离-份额分析法的江苏省食品加工业产业竞争力研究.黑龙江农业科学(08):105-109

周应恒, 吕超,周德. 2012. 我国蔬菜主产地形成的影响因素——以山东寿光为例.地理研究31 (4):687-700

卢凌霄, 周德, 吕超,周应恒. 2010. 中国蔬菜产地集中的影响因素分析——基于山东寿光批发商数据的结构方程模型研究.财贸经济(6):113-120

周德. 2008. 对武汉市新农村建设中发展农机租赁的思考.甘肃农业(11):12-14




江苏省教育厅江苏高校哲学社会科学研究项目,2020SJA0063,中国居民膳食质量评价指标及其动态变化研究, 2020/04-2022/03,在研,主持








