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Prepare Your Contribution for the XV EAAE Congress
  • 日期:2016-11-22
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Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems:

Balancing between Markets and Society

Parma, August 29th – September 1st 2017
We are two months away from the Contributed Paper submission deadline!

XV EAAE Congress:
The Call for Contributions is still out

The XV EAAE Congress Call for Contributions aims to foster discussion and interaction on new scientific developments and research opportunities among scholars and representatives from business, society and policy agencies

The Congress will feature organised sessions, organised panels, invited plenary presentations, contributed papers and posters as well as field trips. Please refer to the Call for Contributions and the instructions for Submission for more detailed information

In particular, policy makers, societal stakeholders and agribusiness representatives are offered the opportunity to contribute to the Programme through organised panels which have an open format and do not require a scientific paper. Organised Panels appear particularly suitable to a problem-oriented approach to a topic, which encourages panellists to take different perspectives, offer different solutions and generally open out the topic to a mixed audience
The actual format of the Panels can be selected from, but not restricted to: Round Table Discussions, moderated by a Panel Chair, where Presentations and Q&A can coexist; Authors meets critics, where a couple of written contributions or well-known positions are discussed; Workshop-style sessions on works-in-progress; "Model UN" or Oxford-Style Debates, where strong advocacy for firmly rooted positions is required and displayed; Forums, where stakeholder and citizen groups have a prominent role in discussing scientific content

In this way, the XV EAAE Congress in Parma will provide an interactive platform for researchers and representatives from non-academic institutions to represent the scientific, practise and advocacy approach to the most pressing issues for agri-food systems and society

The Templates for each type of contribution and the rules for Submission are available at this webpage. Possibilities for organising (Project) Meetings and Pre-Congress Symposia are detailed here

Please take the opportunity to share this call within your network and follow our Social Media presence (at the bottom of the page) and here. Should you require any assistance or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact the LOC of the XV EAAE Congress at info@eaae2017.it

We are almost two months away from the Deadline for Submitting Contributed Papers. Do not miss the opportunity to submit yours!!

Favourites on Our Social Media So Far

- Papers & Academic Contributions:
Shen et al. (2016). Can expert knowledge compensate for data scarcity in crop insurance pricing?, European Review of Agricultural Economics 43(2): 237-269

Shuddhasattwa et al. (2016). Agriculture, trade openness and emissions: an empirical analysis and policy options, The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 60(3): 348–365

Fresco and Poppe (2016). Towards a Common Agricultural and Food Policy, Wageningen University & Research

- Opinions & Positions:
Reganold, J. Can we feed 10 billion people on organic farming alone?, The Guardian

Shanker, D. Economists are figuring out how to get kids to actually eat those healthy school lunches, Quartz

- Innovation & Ethics:
#FutureOfFood: Johnson, A. R. The Wonderful, Seaweed-Flavored, Kind of Scary Future of Food, bonappétit

#UrbanAgriculture: FAO (2015). Urban agriculture: cultivating soils in the city

#EthicalConsumption: Rivera, L. Can eating meat ever be ethical?, The Independent

- Conferences, Seminars, Summer Schools:
4th FOODINTEGRITY Conference Assuring the integrity of the food chain: Turning Science into Solutions May 10th-11th, 2017, Parma (Italy). Deadline for abstract submission for oral presentations: March 1st, 2017

161st EAAE Seminar or the better known Igls-Forum (11th International European Forum) System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks, February 13th-17th, 2017, Innsbruck-Igls (Austria). Deadline for registration and payment of fees: December 19th, 2016

91st Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society (AES), April 24th-26th, 2017, Dublin (Ireland). Deadline for paper/poster/PhD proposal submission: December 19th, 2016

GlobalFood Symposium 2017, April 28th-29th, 2017, Göttingen (Germany).

- Lighter Readings
Side activities to the XV EAAE Congress? Visiting Parma and its nearby castles 5 Spectacular Castles near Parma

Side activities to the XV EAAE Congress? Visiting Parma: a complete guide to #monuments, #food, #nightlife and #shopping

Proceedings of the 52nd, 67th and 89th EAAE Seminar organised by the XV EAAE LOC have been made available on AgEcon Search. More information can be found here


The Plenary Speakers
The Plenary Speakers of the XV EAAE Congress have been announced! Have a look for the Titles and Synopses of their Plenary Speeches and some Background Readings to get acquainted with their topics.
Make sure to come back to it as it updates with fresh information and important announcements!
Discover the Congress Venue
The XV EAAE Congress will take place at the Università degli Studi di Parma Campus on the outskirts of the city. The actual Congress Venue is split over two different buildings: the Congress Centre, at the main Campus entrance, and the Campus Auditorium, at the heart of the Campus. Dedicated shuttle buses from the hotels to the Congress Venue and between the two buildings will be provided as part of your registration
CONAD is the First Gold Sponsor
The LOC of the XV EAAE Congress welcomes CONAD as its first Gold Sponsor. CONAD, a leader in retailing in Italiy, with its care for "people before things" and for genuine flavours and food traditions is a perfect partner to take this event to the next level. Learn more about our Sponsorship Opportunities